Winter Maintenance Checklist For Your Home

February 15, 2021

As winter ravages on, there are many things you can do in your home to keep up with. Don’t wait for spring cleaning! TLC is important for your custom home, so we have compiled a home maintenance checklist for you to keep up with.

Bathroom Inspection

Check the seals and grouts in your bathroom and get repairs done. Now is also a good time to clean your showerheads. Make sure to read the instructions for your showerheads to ensure you are efficiently cleaning them.

Kitchen Cleaning

Kitchens get dirty after every meal, and there are many things you can do for a deep clean. Have you ever cleaned your exhaust hood, or vacuumed the coils behind your refrigerator? Wipe down the hood and check the filters to ensure air can flow properly. Getting behind your refrigerator can be pretty difficult to do, so it is advisable to hire a professional company to handle this.

Clean Your Air Vents

Hopefully, you are changing your air filters regularly, because if not, this can lead to improper ventilation as well as other HVAC issues. Make sure the surrounding areas are cleared of debris and junk. If you noticed your heating and air conditioning unit is not working properly, you should consider having it professionally looked at.

Don’t Forget About Your Floors

This holiday season has been over for some time now, and if you hosted gatherings throughout the year, your floors may have taken a beating. Now is the best time to have your cleans deep cleaned, whether it’s carpet or hardwood floors.

Check On Your Water Heater

When was the last time you checked your water heater pressure? Double-check to make sure there are no leaks.

Check Your Dishwasher Screen

Did you know that food particles can get trapped in your dishwasher screen? This can block the flow of water, which will greatly affect the efficiency of your dishwasher.

Everything seems to move slower during the winter. However, that is no excuse for skimping on cleaning and maintaining your beautiful custom home. While this checklist may not have ordinary maintenance tips, chances are they need to be done.